live is really difficult these days, money really not enuff to use the lucky me found a part time job at digital mall for every weekend , friday ,saturday and sunday, one day for RM80 12-8pm and rest for 1 hrs. ok lu if i work for one month i can get RM960 and plus some commission lu , sit at home also no extra money , but at least i can learn something and can earn extra money,though not much la but still i can save some money to travel next year and satisfied some shopping needs
the work i am doing
sell EPSON colour printer
3 in 1 printer
RM230 plus PETRONAS RM40 rebate cash voucher
quite cheap huh
water proof somemore
wont smeared or smudged
overall ok lu my job , sometimes no people then lepak around with the worker in ALL IT, luckily the people there very friendly and if i dono anything they will help me with it,all EPSON colleaque also very nice.
hope i can do this every month
i found something very interesting and fun, i would probably get it for myself soon
which is the
fujifilm instax mini 7s
(photo credits to CAMERACERY)
so cute right???
maybe i will get it for myself next month IF i am not broke la
because no belated birthday gift already and i am too broke for this month wtf
wait for me ya
my new younger baby
sell EPSON colour printer
3 in 1 printer
RM230 plus PETRONAS RM40 rebate cash voucher
quite cheap huh
water proof somemore
wont smeared or smudged
overall ok lu my job , sometimes no people then lepak around with the worker in ALL IT, luckily the people there very friendly and if i dono anything they will help me with it,all EPSON colleaque also very nice.
hope i can do this every month
i found something very interesting and fun, i would probably get it for myself soon
which is the
fujifilm instax mini 7s
(photo credits to CAMERACERY)
so cute right???
maybe i will get it for myself next month IF i am not broke la
because no belated birthday gift already and i am too broke for this month wtf
wait for me ya
my new younger baby
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